Assessor, Office Manager, Assistant to Selectboard, General Assistance

Lebanon has been contracting with O'Donnell & Associates for assessing services since 2017 and tax mapping since 1972. Questions and concerns can be directed to John O/Donnell at  or John O'Donnell and Associates office number of 207.926.4044.  Surveys are always appreciated and can be sent to the above email address.  

Assessing is based on an April 1st deadline each year.  If you purchase your property this year, after that date, the ownership will continue to be the previous owner until the following tax commitment, which typically happens in August. Questions of whether taxes have been paid should be directly toward the Tax Collector at 207.457.6082 Option 1 or

Taxes were committed on 9/15/2023. This commitment is broken up into two payments due on October 30, 2023 and April 16, 2024, with interest starting the day after for each due date.  See tax bills and other documents to the left. 

You are always welcome to contact the Selectmen's Assistant at or 207.457.6082 Option 5

Staff Contacts

Lynne Davis

Default Board of Assessors
